Heart vs. Words

What words have you spoken? Do you believe what you speak? Have you been asking God to help but your heart is not really believing it can happen? Are you speaking God’s word over your situations but not really expecting things to change?

With the Thanksgiving season upon us, it’s time for a real heart checkup; where we need to get real with ourselves to determine the root cause of our situations and why things are remaining the same. It’s not to beat yourself up or to point fingers, this is truly to examine ourselves so we can grow to give without expecting things in return. God is a Good Father and sees all things. He wants you happy, whole, living from a love perspective and succeeding. But with pastors of today, we are being taught to give in order to get. That puts us out of alignment with our Heavenly Father. How can He honor our giving if we have ulterior motives?

With such an amazing holiday season upon us, take a moment and listen to this eye-opening word from Brother Eli. Listen with an open-heart, be true with yourself and allow God to help you modify anything that needs to be changed. God wants so much for you and your family. Don’t miss this moment to get right with God and to do things His way. He sees all and nothing you do will go unnoticed.

With much love, may you and yours have a very wonderful holiday season.

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