God of Hope

Calm the StormAround the world, believers are facing some of the most difficult times they have ever encountered. They are struggling through adversity from every angle. Physically, financially, spiritually, mentally and emotionally shaken to their very core. It has been the worst of times for most. Yet through it all, they have reasons to dig their heels in and hold on for dear life; knowing that the stormy seas can’t last forever.

The devil knows that his time is almost up. He is doing everything in his power to make you give up. He wants to make sure that you don’t make it to the other side. He doesn’t want you to see your victory, your healing or your prosperity. He knows that if he can make you change your course, then he can put some distance between you and your God-given future. But, the devil is a liar! (John 8:44)

don't give up1God has seen you holding on for dear life. He has seen the storms raging against you. He has seen every tear shed and heard every word you’ve spoken. He knows that you are at the end of your rope. Yet, God also knows that through all of your pain and suffering, there is light at the end of the tunnel. The devil has had his time and the bell is ringing to its end. God is about to reverse the curse in your life and make such an impact; that every single one of your enemies will flee.

There is an old saying, “don’t get your hopes up”. Well, that too is a lie.

Our God is the God of hope. He wishes to fill you with such joy and peace that the Holy Spirit will be overflowing with hope. (Romans 15:13) But God doesn’t stop there. He says “your hope will never leave you ashamed.” (Romans 5:5)

So, expect the unexpected. Expect God’s promises to come to pass in your life today. Hope beyond fear. Fill your mind with God’s goodness and love. For when God’s mighty hand comes upon your life, you will be standing tall. Your testimony will be so great, people will want to know what has happened. They will want to know how your life suddenly changed.

Keep embracing HOPE. Keep dreaming BIG dreams.

You are about to encounter God’s goodness like never before!

suddenlygod of breakthrough

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