What’s Love Got To Do With It

Have you ever noticed how much we are bombarded with commercials showing what the world thinks about love? Buy this product and she’ll love you. Or buy that product and she’ll love you. The world likes to portray love as you do this and they’ll do that. You scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours. This isn’t love!

At one point in life or another, most of us have tried to “buy” love or looked for love in all the wrong places. We get excited when we meet someone and we’ll do anything to show them we care. But then slowly it begins to fade and the deep void within begins to grow bigger until you realize something is missing. Now, I’m not saying that doing or buying nice things is bad. What I’m saying is that if you had a void before love and you still have a void when you are in love then there is something deeper going on and no matter how many gifts you purchase; none of them will be fulfilling.

Most people think that if they find a mate, life will be perfect. Or they think, if only I had more money, I would feel happier. Nothing could be further from the truth. For we can not expect someone or something to make us happy. If we are unhappy with ourselves, then how could they possibly make us happy. It just isn’t possible and we are setting them and ourselves up for failure.

Let’s take a cat or dog, for an example. Say you have been gone all day long. You open the door to find that loving pet excited to see you. Whether they are jumping up and down or jumping into your lap, they trusted you to come home and they are excited to show you how much they love and missed you. It is completely unconditional. They are just happy to see you, without getting anything in return.

Well, that is how God loves us. We can’t earn God’s love nor do we deserve it. He just simply loves us! It is unconditional. (Ephesians 3:14-19)  He doesn’t care if we are short, tall, black, white, brown, overweight, skinny or have pimples. He loves us RIGHT NOW, NO MATTER WHAT!

We can’t truly love until we feel loved ourselves. We need to learn that God loves us. We need to feel that God loves us. We have to have a deep knowing that we are loved and it doesn’t matter what we say or do! Otherwise, we are just spinning our wheels getting nowhere because no one else could possibly fill the void but God!

God Loves You 2

When we start experiencing this type of love, then and only then, can we possibly begin showing love for others. This kind of love doesn’t depend on if the person deserves our love or not, nor does it depend on what gifts they will give us. We simply realize that God loves us and He loves them too. When you start loving this way, nothing and I do mean nothing can take the place of it. THIS IS TRUE LOVE!

You are a one-of-a-kind person. God made you and sent His Amazing Son to die for you. No one is like you. So why don’t you start seeing just how special you truly are and love yourself as God loves you. Once you do, you’ll begin to experience the most incredible, amazing, loving relationships that you desperately crave! And the best part is you won’t have to go looking for it. God will bring it to you at the right place, at the right time, and at the perfect moment! It will be simply PERFECT!

NOTE: Please disregard any advertisements you might see on this website as the author does not endorse them. Thank you.