Tag Archive | time

Deleting The “I” Factor

Time2Have you ever wanted to change something about yourself, only to think that it was too late? Maybe you always wanted to get your college degree, get married, lose weight, overcome an addiction, get out of debt, or start a new career; only to talk yourself out of it by saying it’s too late. I can’t do it. I’m too old. I don’t have any energy. I don’t have the time. And the list could go on and on because we all can make up a lot of excuses. Don’t we?

We are all so aware of time. Between family, friends, work, school, hobbies, sports, television shows, housework, cooking, and more…none of us ever feel like we have time to do anything other than just making it through the day. And what’s worse is we never can get all of the things done that we wanted to get done. So, the list just keeps growing. Which in turn makes you frustrated, angry and stressed out.

One of our biggest problems is that all of that is “I” related. I can’t do it. I don’t have enough energy. I don’t have the time. I can’t. Blah, blah, blah, blah, excuse, excuse, excuse…

Instead of having the “I” factor, we need the “God” factor. There is absolutely nothing too hard for God. He can help us balance our time. Heck…He created time. If we need to rethink our daily schedules to accomplish something that God has placed on our hearts…He can help us balance our lives to make it happen. He can help us get rid of the clutter so we have time to focus on the very thing He is asking us to accomplish.

The truth is…IT’S NEVER TOO LATE! All things are possible with God. If God created time than don’t you think He could multiply it in your life where you get so much done in a shorter period of time; you’ll be wondering what the heck is going on.

God is full of grace and mercy. And the best part is that it’s new every morning. (Hebrews 4:15) 

When you find yourself struggling and having the “I” factor. Take it to God. Ask Him for more time. Ask Him for another chance. Ask Him to help you. Ask Him for His wisdom. Then lay all the excuses at His feet.

Something Wonderful

Every day is a new chance. Every day you have the opportunity of seeing God’s goodness overcome the problem. He is all knowing, all powerful, and all loving. Why don’t you let Him be YOUR ALL in EVERY SITUATION TODAY.

God will never let you down and YOU WILL SUCCEED IN ALL WAYS because He who lives in you is far greater than anything that comes against you! And best of all…IT’S NEVER TOO LATE!

Seize the day and be filled with God’s Amazing Grace because something awesome is going to happen to you today!



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Where’s the Money, Honey?

Have you noticed just how much the world revolves around money? Have you ever noticed that the more you think about money, the less you find yourself having in your pockets? Why is that?

Well, today, we are going to cover the whole MONEY issue; in a very plain and simple way.  So, let’s get started.

Like most Christians, we are taught to pray for our answers. We are taught seed, time and harvest. Now, don’t get me wrong…these are wonderful tools that God has given us and are discussed at great length throughout the Bible. We are definitely supposed to utilize these tools.

However, we tend to miss the most important lesson when we pray for financial abundance and breakthroughs. What most of us do when we pray is to tell God what we want and how to give it to us. So, when we don’t receive the exact answers we were looking for, we get discouraged and think God didn’t answer our prayers.

What we must realize is that money is not our answer. Yes, we have bills to pay or we have something in mind that we would like to buy. However, GOD KNOW WHAT’S BEST FOR US…WE DON’T!

The best way to describe it is that you can be a billionaire and have bad health. You can have all the money in the world and be depressed. You could have everything your heart desires and be full of anger, loneliness or sadness. Money can slip through your fingers so fast that it makes your head spin. Again, MONEY IS NOT THE ANSWER!  GOD IS!

What I’ve come to realize is that I don’t just want the money, Honey…I want the complete package (III John 2):

  • The wisdom and knowledge to use the funds properly.
  • The who, what, when and where to bless others.
  • How to invest correctly.
  • Happiness, Joy, Peace and everything in between.

See, God wants us whole; nothing missing and nothing broken. He doesn’t want us to just “get by“…He wants us to have “overflowing, pressed down and shaken together, more than enough”!

God wants to see you happy, healthy, prosperous, and filled with joy. Nothing would make Him happier than to see you loving life in every area.

So today, I ask you to let your requests be know to God. BUT…let God be God and provide you HIS way, in HIS timing, and in HIS supernatural perfection. For whatever HE BRINGS will have no pain or sorrow attached! Whatever HE BRINGS will be beyond anything you could have ever asked for, dreamed of, or even imagined.


NOTE: Please disregard any advertisements on this website as the author does not endorse them. Thank you.

Where’s the money, Honey?

Have you ever noticed that the world revolves around money?  Have you ever noticed that the more you think about money, the less you find yourself having in your pockets?  Why is that?  Well, today, we are going to cover the whole MONEY issue; in a very plain and simple way.  So, let’s get started.

Like most Christians, we are taught to pray for our answers.  We are taught seed, time and harvest.  Now, don’t get me wrong…these are wonderful tools that God has given us and are discussed in great length throughout the Bible.

However, we tend to miss the most important lesson when we pray for financial abundance and breakthroughs.  What most of us do when we pray is to tell God what we want and think. So, when we don’t receive the answers we desperately prayed for, we get discouraged and think God didn’t answer our prayers.

What we must realize is that money is not our answer.  Yes, we have bills to pay or we have something in mind that we would like to buy and we seek God for our miraculous solutions.  But the whole problem with this thinking is that GOD KNOW WHAT’S BEST FOR US…WE DON’T!

The best way to describe it is that you can be a billionaire and have bad health.  You can have all the money in the world and be depressed.  You could have everything your heart desires and be full of anger, loneliness or sadness.  Money can slip through your fingers so fast that it makes your head spin.  Again, MONEY IS NOT THE ANSWER!  GOD IS!

What I’ve come to realize is that I don’t just want the money, Honey…I want the complete package (III John 2):

  • The wisdom and knowledge to use the funds properly.
  • The who, what, when and where to bless others.
  • How to invest correctly.
  • Happiness, Joy, Peace and everything in between.

See, God wants us whole; nothing missing and nothing broken.  He doesn’t want us to just “get by“, He wants us to have “more than enough”!  He will give us the wisdom and knowledge to handle the miraculous solutions He has coming our way.  All we have to do is learn to rest in His provisions, then the whole universe opens up to us. (Malachi 3:10)  The best part about it is that whatever the Lord brings, there is absolutely no pain or sorrow attached.  So, seek what HE wants us to have not what we think we need.

God still works miracles everyday and He definitely wants the absolute best for us all.  So…LOOK UP – YOUR WILDEST DREAMS ARE ABOUT TO BECOME REALITY!